This is how i thought AI would be possible before i started this project. I literally just dredged it up, but i'd written it before i started the project
Look at bees and ants. Individually, they are unintelligent, and have a memory span of about six seconds. However, it has been proven that a hive has a memory span of up to six months. This is because all the ants and bees are working together, each performing tiny little simple tasks, and the end result is a far more complicated thing. For example, ants make very structurally sound hives, farm aphids, fight slave wars, or bees and wasps make paper homes.
This hive mind could be replicated into computing technology, by having a lot of computers working together like brain cells, each doing only a few tasks, and the result of those tasks is fed through several immensely powerful processors. Exactly like a human brain, in which the brain cells only do a single task each. The results of those tasks(depending on the nature of the task) are filtered through several centers. They are then filed to the short term memory or the long term memory, depending on whether they were deemed important by the subconscious.