Friday 1 July 2011

Science fiction and Science fact

Science fiction is usually a speculation as to what the next great disovery will cause. Sometimes it is an alien invasion, othertimes it is a catastrophe, human made or natural. There are a great many subgenres, though I will mainly be paying attention to the hard Science fiction subgenre. Several scientific innovations were made in these books, such as Geo-stationary orbits (IE: where a satelite is always above the same patch of ground), which were invented by Arthur.C.Clarke. Or the Three rules of robotics, invented by Isaac Asimov. In fact, so many inventions owe their existance to SF.The search for Artificial intelligence was inspired by a SF novel. Nuclear weapons, mobile phones( Robert A.Heinlein “invented” these), car keys capable of remotely opening a car(Heinlein again), and a whole load more.

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